Download manager web interface

Im new to ubuntu serverim using a personal home server and i want to install a download manager through terminal. On windows i have been using jdownloader on which i was able to use my accounts on "downloading" sites like rapidshareeasybytes etc.

Are there any download managers with web interface? This question already has an answer here: Web client front end download manager 2 answers. Basilis Tsamourtzis 6 1 2. This answers your question: JDownloader has a web interface. Michael Tunnell 1, 7 Ubuntu and Canonical are registered trademarks of Canonical Ltd. Ask Ubuntu works best with JavaScript enabled. Web client front end download manager 2 answers Im new to ubuntu serverim using a personal home server and i want to install a download manager through terminal.

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Stack Exchange Inbox Reputation and Badges. Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Ask Ubuntu is a question and answer download manager web interface for Ubuntu users and developers. Join them; it only takes a minute: Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted download manager web interface and rise to the top.

Is there any download manager like jdownloader but with webinterface? Aria2 has a pretty good web gui, http: Sign download manager web interface or log in to download manager web interface your list.

Responses on “Download manager web interface”

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