Why do i need it? Features Download How does it work? Installation Configuration Changelog Version 2. Prevents a serious issue latest Update: Prevents you to be banned and excluded from your AdSense account due to malicious third party clicks on advertisements on your website. NEW Use custom name for your ad block classts. Feel free to make your wish. The Plugin counts all clicks on your Ads. No matter if it is Goodle Adsense or any other advertisment. When the clicks exceeds a specified number it will be deactivated and hidden.
As a rule the use of this website is possible without providing any personally relevant data. Any provision of personal data e. These data will not be provided to any third parties without the user's express approval. Be aware that the transmission of data via the internet e. Complete protection of data from unauthorized access by third parties is download master click monitoring plug-in possible. The use of contact details published under the statutory requirement to provide acknowledgements by third parties for the purpose of the transmission of unsolicited advertising and informational material is expressly opposed.
The site operator expressly reserves the right to take legal action against the unsolicited mailing of advertising information by way of spamming or similar. Bei Bekanntwerden von entsprechenden Rechtsverletzungen werden wir diese Inhalte umgehend entfernen. Rechtswidrige Inhalte waren zum Zeitpunkt der Verlinkung nicht erkennbar. Eine permanente inhaltliche Kontrolle der verlinkten Seiten ist jedoch ohne konkrete Anhaltspunkte einer Rechtsverletzung nicht zumutbar.
This website contains links to external third-party websites, over the content of which I have no control. I cannot, therefore, make any guarantees regarding this third-party content. Responsibility for the content of linked sites lies solely with the provider or operator of the site concerned.
Download master click monitoring plug-in kann Facebook den Besuch unserer Seiten Ihrem Benutzerkonto zuordnen. Diese Website benutzt Google Analytics, einen Webanalysedienst der Google Inc.
This does not affect my statutory obligations to remove or block the use of information. My liability in such cases shall however commence from the time I become download master click monitoring plug-in of an actual violation. On becoming aware of such violations I shall remove this content immediately.
If you want to unblock any IP just mark the checkbox and click " Unblock selected IP ". Choose the class for the wrapping div. Define a specific IP you want to block. Use "Get my IP adress" to prevent yourself to be able to click on your own ads. I hope you will never be a victim of Click-Fraud but with this Plugin you should be steeled well enough not to be banned by Google if some one decides to harm you one day.
Downloads and copies of this site may be made for private, download master click monitoring plug-in use only. Reproduction, processing, distribution and any form of exploitation beyond that permitted by copyright law requires the written consent of the author or creator concerned. Contributions by third parties are identified as such. Should anyone become aware of a possible copyright infringement, I kindly request that you inform me of such. Upon becoming aware of download master click monitoring plug-in a violation I shall remove the respective content immediately.
The clicking user or bot will be blocked on a IP basis for further clicks. At the same time the plugin sends you a notification by email.
The operator of this site makes every effort to respect the copyrights of outside parties and to employ his own material and material in the public domain. All content and material on this download master click monitoring plug-in created by the site operator is governed by German copyright law.
If the user is clicking one time on a Ad and 8 days later on another click he is NOT blocked. The content of this site has been created with the greatest of care. I cannot, however, guarantee that the information in it is accurate, complete or up-to-date. As a service provider I am responsible under Section 6 1 of the German Media Services Inter-State Agreement and Section 8 1 of the German Teleservices Act for my own content on this site.
Service providers are not however obliged to monitor third party information transmitted or stored on their site by them or to look for circumstances which may suggest a violation of the law.
Bei Bekanntwerden von Rechtsverletzungen werden wir derartige Links umgehend entfernen. Die durch die Seitenbetreiber erstellten Inhalte und Werke auf diesen Seiten unterliegen dem deutschen Urheberrecht. Soweit die Inhalte auf dieser Seite nicht vom Betreiber erstellt wurden, werden die Urheberrechte Dritter beachtet. Insbesondere werden Inhalte Dritter als solche gekennzeichnet. Sollten Sie trotzdem auf eine Urheberrechtsverletzung aufmerksam werden, bitten wir um einen entsprechenden Hinweis.
All linked sites were checked for possible violations of the law when they were linked to mine. At that time I was not aware of any content which may violate the law. However, I cannot be expected to monitor the content of linked sites on download master click monitoring plug-in ongoing basis unless I have reason to suspect a violation of the law. On becoming aware of such a violation I shall remove the respective link immediately.
Prevents you to be banned and excluded from your AdSense account due to malicious third party clicks download master click monitoring plug-in your website. Prevents a serious issue. This WordPress Plugin is in active development and will be updated on a regular basis. Click-Fraud Monitoring for Google AdSense and other pay per click advertising vendor. If you are using AdSense, no further settings are needed. If you are using any other ad code wrap a div container with the class ''cfmonitor around every Ad on download master click monitoring plug-in site - Example: Clicklimit - Definition of the maximum number of allowed clicks by one single user.
Bei Bekanntwerden von Rechtsverletzungen werden wir derartige Inhalte umgehend entfernen. Auf unseren Seiten sind Plugins des sozialen Netzwerks Facebook, South California Avenue, Palo Alto, CAUSA integriert.
Download the file cfmonitor. Now you can try it out. Click on your Ads a few times and see it disappearing. Keep in mind that all clicks on the ads are cumulated. You can change it here. Find here download master click monitoring plug-in IP adresses which are blocked by the Click-Fraud Monitoring.
Google Analytics verwendet sog. Diese Website benutzt Google AdSense, einen Dienst zum Einbinden von Werbeanzeigen der Google Inc. Google AdSense verwendet sog. Google AdSense verwendet auch so genannte Web Beacons unsichtbare Grafiken. Erfassung und Weitergabe von Informationen: Dieser Name wird in allen Google-Diensten verwendet. Verwendung der erfassten Informationen: Auf unseren Seiten sind Funktionen des Dienstes Twitter eingebunden. Diese Funktionen werden angeboten durch die Twitter Inc.
All clicks by one single user within the timerange of 7 days are counted. If a user is clicking one time on a Ad and three days later on two times it, the plugin counts a total download master click monitoring plug-in of three clicks and will be blocked if the Clicklimit is 2.
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