Download minecraft beta 1301

Arqade works best with JavaScript enabled. How to install mods for the new Minecraft launcher 4 answers I've been using the new minecraft launcher to play and old version, beta 1. MathOverflow Mathematics Cross Validated stats Theoretical Computer Science Physics Chemistry Biology Computer Science Philosophy more Meta Stack Exchange Stack Apps Area 51 Stack Overflow Talent.

Installing mods for older versions in the new launcher could be very different, depending on whether those versions are exactly the same as they used to be, or whether Mojang has altered them to use the new Game Directory model. I haven't investigated this detail yet, but it's something not covered by the other question. Seven this question and the one I noted as a duplicate are both specifically about download minecraft beta 13_01 under the new launcher. Even more, they're both about the way the new launcher locates the Minecraft binary files.

I've been using the new minecraft download minecraft beta 13_01 to play and old version, beta 1. Download minecraft beta 13_01 would like to use single player commands but one of the mod files needs to go into the bin folder. The new launcher doesn't create a bin though, so what should I do?

Two possible solutions, one hard, one unlikely Therefore, in order to use WorldEdit with an old beta, either you will have to go and find a backup of 1. Alright, I already have a beta 1. I was just hoping it would be easier to just use the new launcher to flip around the versions. Yeah, I like the new launcher a lot, and it's a shame old mods don't all download minecraft beta 13_01 with the jars it provides, and old original jars won't use download minecraft beta 13_01 Game Directory setting which download minecraft beta 13_01 so useful to keep modded saves separate.

It doesn't matter that there's nothing else. Sign up or log download minecraft beta 13_01 to customize your list. Stack Exchange Inbox Reputation and Badges. Questions Tags Download minecraft beta 13_01 Badges Unanswered. Arqade is a question and answer site for passionate videogamers on all platforms.

I was shocked when this failed. The results of these tests lead me to believe that SPC for 1. To test this supposition, I went looking in my jar backups for a beta copy of Minecraft to compare. I don't have a backup of 1. I asked the new launcher to install beta 1. Mojang has updated the betas and probably alphas in order for them to use the new folder layout and launcher options, which download minecraft beta 13_01 apparently broken whatever mechanism SPC used to load WorldEdit in the original older versions.

All four of these configurations failed the test: Confirming my fears To test this supposition, I went looking in my jar backups for a beta copy of Minecraft to compare.

I ran it to check it was working, then went to. Then I installed SPC version 1. Then I tried four different configurations of installing WorldEdit. All four of these configurations failed the test:. This is where SPC should look for WE if it believes the Game Directory is the same as. I thought it unlikely, but worth testing. Game Directory left to download minecraft beta 13_01 default [ This is where SPC should look for WE if it ignores Game Directory and is hardcoded to look at.

Therefore, in order to use WorldEdit with an old beta, either you will have to go and find a backup of 1. To get an original b1. Unforunately, MCNostalgia hasn't been updated since Minecraft 1. Hopefully you have a backup of some version earlier than 1. Singleplayer commands however still specifically looks in the bin folder for the worldedit. You should simply create a new folder in the.

Join them; it only takes a minute: Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. How to install SPC and WorldEdit in an old Minecraft version with the new launcher?

Someone has probably already asked, but I have no idea how they would word it so I asked on my own: This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question. My testing shows that although the version of 1. Specifically, it appears to be unable to supply SPC with the necessary information to locate Download minecraft beta 13_01, no matter where it is put. I tested this by creating a new profile and asking for version "old beta" 1.

This question already has an answer here: How to install mods for the new Minecraft launcher 4 answers. BillyMailman I'd say no. That only covers installing mods for the current version of download minecraft beta 13_01 game in the new launcher.

Billy Which is not actually the problem in this question, as the asker is having no trouble locating the binary. Initial testing I tested this by creating a new profile and asking for version "old beta" 1.

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