Download minecraft maps for xbox 360
How do you Download a minecraft map on the XBox? A youtube user made a map, but I don't know how to download it. I am trying to download a map to Minecraft on the Xbox - can I do this?
Now we go back to the Xbox and plug your USB drive in your Xbox. Go all the way to the right in Xbox home, then go download minecraft maps for xbox 360 System. Go storage and go in your USB drive. Go and move the Minecraft world you just downloaded to your Xbox storage. Move your profile too. Well, i need votes so people can see it.
You will be needing a download minecraft maps for xbox 360, Horizon. Anti-virus programs will detect virus in Horizon, it is not because it has virus, it is because it needs access to your computer files.
JJJHoffman 14 1 2 4. If yes, you will be needing a USB drive. Make sure it is compatible with xbox In Xbox home, go all the way to the right settings and go in System. Make sure you have your USB drive connected into your Xbox In system settings, go Storage.
Download minecraft maps for xbox 360 will do it. Alright i editted it. Unfortunately, you cannot trivially download custom maps to the Xbox version of Minecraft. Jeeva 5, 2 22 Sign up or log in StackExchange. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Arqade works best with JavaScript enabled. If you have any problems please comment share improve this answer.
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Also, since the answer is going to be lengthy Voting is based on the content of your answer. If the content is good, it will get upvoted and rise to the top. Don't expect the votes to come before you have any content in your answer that's worth an upvote.
It is safe to download. Once all that is done, go to Minecraft and you should be able to play the map! If you have any problems please comment. By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. Sign up or log in to customize your list. Stack Exchange Inbox Reputation and Badges. Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Arqade is a question and answer site for passionate videogamers on all platforms. Join them; it only takes a minute: Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top.
The first answer is wrong. I have an xbox and I downloaded a custom map. Before I tell you how to make it, do you have a computer? THIS ANSWER IS FOR WINDOWS ONLY! DO THIS IN MAC OR OTHER PLATFORMS AT YOUR OWN RISK. After that, go in your xbox storage and download minecraft maps for xbox 360 Minecraft. Click on a world you don't need and move it into your USB drive. Now we will go into your computer. Disconnect your USB drive from the Xbox and plug it into download minecraft maps for xbox 360 computer.
Go to your xbox's storage, not your USB drive's. Move your profile to download minecraft maps for xbox 360 USB drive. It must be in. Now open horizon and you should see your USB drive on the right side with files. Now open Games, you should see Minecraft. Right click Minecraft and click inject file. Choose the map you downloaded. Now, a window will popup Select a profile for this saved game Choose the profile you put in the USB drive and click "Use profile" After the transfer is successful go ahead and close horizon and eject your USB drive.
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