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Conflict Research Consortium, University of Colorado, USA Downloading A Complete Version of the Training Program Glossary Menu Shortcut Page. Online time can be dramatically reduced and system speed can be greatly enhanced by downloading a complete version of the training program and installing it on you hard disk where you download movies zip format browse it with your browser e.
You will, however, still have to go online to follow the training program's links to other web-accessible files. Using the training program in this way requires approximately 11 megabytes of hard disk space. Since the files are in compressed "zip" format, you only have to download 2. International Online Training Program On Intractable Conflict Conflict Research Consortium, Download movies zip format of Colorado, USA.
As of December 2,the Online Training Program on Intractable Conflict OTPIC has been officially retired, and is no longer open to new download movies zip format. The successor to OTPIC is a course called Dealing Constructively with Intractable Conflicts DCIC. The new curriculum is built around one of our major projects, Beyond Intractabilityand offers a much more extensive and informative set of learning materials than that available through OTPIC.
OTPIC Officially Retired As of December 2,the Online Training Program on Intractable Conflict OTPIC has been officially retired, and is no longer open to new registrations. International Online Training Program Download movies zip format Intractable Conflict. Conflict Research Consortium, University of Colorado, USA.
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