Download minecraft xray 18
Auto installer worked for me. Works with my texture pack and everything. Last edited by Euryleia: I updated everything to fix the Unsupported major. Anyone who was getting this error should try redownloading and installing the mod. It should be fixed. Get same error as posted above with zip and with autoinstaller. Already downloaded again, but problem is still the same Curse Facebook Twitter Youtube Newsletter Mass Effect: Andromeda Sign In Register Careers Help Mass Effect: Andromeda Skills About Curse Advertise Terms of Service Privacy Policy Zelda Wiki CopyrightCurse Inc.
This site works best with JavaScript enabled. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. You can download it here. The latest version of XRay is version It was released on November 27th, The changelog is available on my website here. The mod comes with an installer.
Last edited download minecraft xray 1.8 LauFon: I can download it and all but how do you use the mod. Ahh I can launch download minecraft xray 1.8 game with the x-ray files but while im in-game when I press X or L it doesn't do anything: Windows 7 amd64 version 6.
Simply double click on the downloaded file, and select a profile to install it into. You can select a vanilla profile, a modded profile, a Forge profile, or even a LiteLoader profile! It will also detect Technic mod packs and ATLauncher instances.
XRay will prepopulate the list with some blocks it can easily detect, however, some may still be missing. To address this problem, XRay will add the missing blocks to the list as it filters them when XRay is enabled. More information can be found here. Open the user interface and at the bottom there is a text area where you can change what is on the coordinates display.
If that option is not available you may need to install or reinstall Java. You can download minecraft xray 1.8 install it with Forge by placing download minecraft xray 1.8 downloaded file into your mods folder - just like you would do to install any other Forge mod. LiteLoader is the same as Forge except you must place it into a versioned mods folder.
If you feature my mod in a video, you must include a link back to this page. If you're going to link to my mod from somewhere, I would really prefer it if you linked to this post rather than directly to the download. This way the user can download an updated version and read about the mod a little bit. Curse Help Register Sign In. Minecraft Forums Twitter Facebook Youtube Advanced Search. Home Minecraft Forum Mapping and Modding Minecraft Mods XRay Mod 1.
Works on all versions of Minecraft from 1. Features a configurable xray mode and cave finder, fullbright, configurable coordinates display, survival fly and fly speed. A full list of features can be found on my website: Disclaimer It is very simple: I am not responsible with what you do with my mod.
Java HotSpot TM Bit Download minecraft xray 1.8 VM mixed modeSun Microsystems Inc. AMD MG with ATI Mobility Radeon HD GL version 3. Very likely; Jar signature invalidated Type: Wow thank you sir. If you use mcpatcher beta5 for 1. Then open the minecraft launcher, edit profile to use MCPatcher underversion 1. If possible, can you post to topic? Last edited by Icey I can't get it to work on my mac. I get a error code similar to the one posted above.
Download minecraft xray 1.8 you run into download minecraft xray 1.8 compatibility issue with something, let me know so I can find a way to make it work! All configuration is done through the user interface. The default keybinding to open the user interface is J, which you can change in-game if needed. It turns out that getting a complete list of all blocks in the game, especially when third party mods are involved, is a bit difficult.
A table of formatting options is available here. You may distribute my mod with the original links, and only the original links, on any website or forum you wish. You may not download and then re-upload my mod to any site without download minecraft xray 1.8 written permission.
Copyright You may distribute my mod with the original links, and only the original links, on any website or forum you wish. Last edited by AmbientOcclusion: Rollback Post to Revision RollBack. Check out my XRay mod! Forge compatible, configurable, and easily installable. Click here for more information. How do you install it?
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